3 Simple Passive Income Ideas For Enormous Results — $8k Month
Nowadays everybody wants to add a passive income stream into their life and earn while they sleep.
…the problem is that most passive income streams take ages to set up, require serious capital, or just flat-out pay pennies.
To prevent you from going down the wrong passive income path, I have created this list of 3 tried and true passive income methods.
You can use these to get enormous results within a reasonable amount of time.
1. Short Video Dropshipping
Normally, I’d recommend people to stay away from Dropshipping, but with social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram and their short-form videos — A new opportunity has arisen!
I have seen time and time again that people create a one-product store and create short-form videos about their product that they then post on TikTok and Instagram.
Usually, the people who are successful go for making viral videos and model after what already works.
At the moment this works really well and if you do it right can generate millions of views and tens of thousands of dollars in profit.